Building is located at 151 Charles St. West
PictureOutside of the CommuniTech/Google building
- Main use to help set up/start businesses
- Give personal help and rooms to "rent"
What I found interesting:
- How everything they used (interactive board) was modern day technology                              
My favourite part was the soldier picture with the glasses that turned everything 3D, cool and a fun way to learn.
After visiting CommuniTech, it made me reconsider my options. I never had thought about doing something "Computer Science" related until I visited, and found out there are many job openings in that field in the Kitchener area.

3D Environment in CommuniTech
Favourite part of the tour of CommuniTech, because it interacted with all of the students, and therefore more interesting.
When you walk inside, you wear a pair of 3D glasses, and when you walk, the picture follows as if you were inside of it.

PictureInside the VeloCity Garage
Liked the idea how they used the word "garage", because it was more so a place where the workers would have started working out of.
- Main use is to give students (U of W) space to work and help start their companies
- Help mentor the students into accelerating their programs

PictureGoogle Office (ft. slide from 1st - 2nd level)
Mine (and many others) favourite place out of the whole trip.
- Main use is to daily improve and develop Google
- Canada's most fun work place
- Much different from any other work place (incorporates "fun" into their everyday job)
My favourite thing about the Google Office is how they make the office intrigue people; each and every worker looks forward to coming to their job.
Because there are couches, chefs, slides, goofy drawings, all of the workers get rewarded in a way that is not paid. They get to have fun while working for a living.

Picture"Relaxing spot" in Google Office
Google office has a very modern day look.

Overall, I give the trip a thumbs up. It was helpful to those who were thinking about getting into similar jobs such as computers or technology, but even more helpful to those who don't know quite yet what they want to do in the future, it helped create a new idea or way of thinking.

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