Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson argues that the most astounding fact about the universe is that everything is connected. (Humans are made of atoms, the same thing that everything else throughout the whole universe is made of, and uses the example of the stars). Watch above to see him go into further depth.

agree or disagree?

I agree that this is the most astounding fact about the universe and life itself. Firstly, the fact that we are all made up of the same substance, yet are all so different, is mind blowing once you take the moment to think about it. Anything you think of, a star, a cloud, a sandwich, yourself, we are all the same "things", essentially. Yet if you compare yourself to a dog, we act opposite and look differently (I would hope). We are all somehow connected in a way to say that we're all similar. A paradox. Everything in the world is the same, but different.

a sense of belonging

As a person of billions, one may feel extremely small and not relevant to the Universe, a massive place. But as you think about DeGrasse Tyson's point, about how everyone should feel their own sense of belonging, you have to rethink about your importance in life. Something as crucial to life, like the sun, is essentially made of exactly the same thing as we are. When you think about how something so simple is so important to survival, you start to question yourself a little more. It's basically an idea of fate, or everything happens for a reason. Every single billionth person on Earth has been put there for a reason, and although we don't feel like it, we feel "unimportant", we are important and wanted and each serve a purpose in life.

more than just a philosophy

Neil DeGrasse Tyson's philosophy is more than just a "theory", it's a true, proven fact. Much of the world's evolution is still unsolved, there are many different counteracts and opinions contradicting each other of how and why each and all of us got here, or Earth in general. Some people think it had started with the "Big Bang", a popular theory of the World's evolution. Other people think we are descended from other species, such as gorillas. But the most astounding philosophy that is yet true, is to know that we are all made up of the same things as everything else. Once one person is put into perspective beside the universe and every single thing included in it, they might feel small. But although the size of us is much smaller than another thing, such as an elephant, we are considered to be connected and will be for infinity. 

Think about it. Do you agree or disagree with Neil DeGrasse Tyson's statement. What do you think is the most astounding fact about the Universe?

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