V for Vendetta
  1. Types of Government
  2. Personal freedom vs. Government control
  3. Lacking of human rights

Comparing Governments

V: People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens take participation and are considered equally.'

- allows personal freedom

- political education to the people
- "stable" government

A dictatorship is a form of government in which all citizens are under rule of one individual in complete power.

- things can be put to action quickly
- efficient during emergencies
Personally, I believe that the film displays more of the disadvantaged side of a dictatorship government. People have less freedom in all aspects of their life, one of which is they aren't allowed to voice an opinion. Everyone thinks that V is so horrible for going against Adam Sutler (the dictator or high chancellor), and he did it in a horrible way, but it demonstrates how without voice of public opinion, peace is lost. Sutler is racist and homophobic, and citizens' can't stand up against their beliefs, if they happen to think against him, they can't do anything about it.

Personal Freedom vs. Government Control

Adam Sutler is the dictator in the movie, and it shows the lack of personal freedom. In the beginning, there is a set curfew, and it shows Evy out after the curfew time. She is in trouble by 3 men who threaten her. This is one example of an unsuccessful controlled portion of government; people should be allowed to be out whenever they want to, as long as they're not disturbing anyone. Another example is when he talks against homophobic people on the TV. Anyone in England (at that set time in the movie), I assume would feel unwelcome and hurt. If your own leader was discriminating you over something you couldn't control, it would be hard to obey his laws and his rules. The movie displays how crucial personal freedom is to the citizens of England at that time, or anywhere in the world.

Lack of Human Rights

Human rights in the UK violated (in the movie):
1. Freedom of expression and conscience
   - Evy's parents both get in trouble for protesting against the government
2. Right to personal privacy
    - Evy should be allowed to stay out as late as whenever she wants (after "curfew" in the movie)
The movie shows how unhappy the characters are (especially Evy) with the fact that their human rights have ultimately been violated.

Evey Hammond: That this country needs more than a building right now. It needs hope.
10/30/2013 11:47:59 pm

i love your opinions Dayna! i also enjoyed the movie too, what great movie to watch with the class


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